Well I didnt win the Batman 2.0 at Project Rooftop. You know I dont think they read at all any of the background people might send with their drawings... which makes sense cause if you dont hit a home run visually it doesnt matter what explanation you try and give your guy having this or that. So Im kinda depressed... make that really depressed about the whole thing, but Chris Arrant gave me a 9 outta 10 so that makes me happy. Anyway this is the design that should have won the whole thing (he got 1st prize but he should have gotten grand prize ya ask me). His name is Daniel Heard, look him up!!! You should see the mock ups for the costume, sensational stuff. Anyway I am going to start drinking now to wallow in my looserness. laters.
First of all thanks man, that was really sweat of you.
Second, no way should you be depressed. f@ck that sh!t dude.
This is just going to bump up your game for the next one. And you are now armed with their critique. Also, you placed higher than 100 other entries. My first submitted redesign was an honorable mention and that can be crushing as all hell. But again f@ck all that sh!t, there's no time.
You're right! I know that I did better than most and I should just take what I learned and apply it to next time. Just felt down for a moment. Thanks for the pep talk and keep up your amazing work!
Your entry was really great -- one of my top picks. Even us, the judges, get bummed when our favorite doesn't win.
Thanks Chris! It felt great seeing what you wrote! I hope you like what I come up with next time. Again thanks for the encouraging words.
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