Here is my Captain Neutron piece. As you can see the captain is having some trouble at a far off space station having been double crossed by Venus D'milo and now surrounded by (from left to right) former Hollywood actor turned intergalactic rogue Daring Dirk, Venus' robot butler Geese, and the Atlantian criminal L'Yne (without his two comrades Hook and Sinker). Now I know it looks like he is over is head, but if you look carefully you can see a smile on his face because he just took over Geese's systems (I mean he is the smartest man in the universe, taking over a robot butler is a walk in the park people) and make his escape. Laters
Here is some action in Washington DC with my patriotic hero Alpha the All-American. The villains she beating on are (from left to right) Hitech crooks IQ & Hardrive, the alien princess Scarab, and the robot without a head is Armored Dilo. The Giant robot without a head is Ogun god of iron (what can I say... I like my robots without their heads this week). The man with the gun is Alpha's brother Omega (he treats criminals a little harsher than others). Next up is Captain Neutron, thanks.
Like I said earlier in the week I wasnt completely happy with how some of my posts turned out last week. So I revisited my Zoe piece and I changed the background and the positions of some of the characters as well as swapped out Ace and Hotstreak for Crash & Burn. I think it works a lot better than the last version. Now I can concentrate on the Alpha piece.
I didn't like the backgrounds for the last couple of updates I did so I have gone back and redone them. I think it looks a lot better. I am currently fixing Zoe thunders background as I am doing a new one featuring Alpha. That one is all inked I just have to color and post, but it will be done after Zoe is fixed. Let me know if this looks better than the original. As always thanks for lookin'
Here is my sorceress of The Allies Senora Sol. Now here villains are usually your average mad magicians, crazy archeologists bent on destroying all technology, demons and devils of various beliefs but today I wanted her to go up against a non magical villain. And so she is defending her city from the insane Astronut and the giant robot Gar'gan-Tuan from the planet Brob'dingnag. Not sure who's gonna be next... right now it's a toss up between Alpha and Captain Neutron. hmmm.....
Now we have The Hand of Fate being attacked by a band of assassins, but as you can see he doesn't seem all that worried. From the bottom and going clockwise we have Blut (of the Nazi duo Blut & Eisen), SpiderWasp, The Ying Yang Man, Iguana, and the poor slob getting his face tenderized is Highroller. I'm not really happy with the perspective of Fate's right arm but...... Next up is Senora Sol!
I liked the Zoe piece so much I just kept going. Here we have Coyote and Tarantula being ambushed by (clockwise) Dragokin, Sludge, and Watts. I'm currently working on a piece that will feature Hand of Fate. Thanks for lookin'
Finally an update! I have taken a day off and decided to draw something thats been in my head for the last couple of days. Its Zoe Thunder laying down the smackdown on a couple of villains from Force Inc. The villains featured are (going clockwise) El Gigante, Ace of Spades, Diamond Jack, Hotstreak, and the bulky armored guy is ShellShock. Enjoy!